We’ve all been there before. The budget is tight and you need a costume–or many costumes–for your upcoming film shoot. You can ask actors to bring their own clothes, but…
What is a deus ex machina?
A deus ex machina is a literary device that all writers should be aware of. The term comes from the Latin, translating to “God from the machine.” The term comes…
What is a self tape?
What is a self tape? A self tape is a prerecorded audition that an actor films themselves, typically in their home. Most of the time, the actor will be performing…
Organizational tools for ADHD
Organizational tools for ADHD If you’re anything like me, you’re always trying to get organized. ADHD makes it incredibly hard to form habits, which, at least for me, means I…
Spring Artist Dates
Artist dates are important year-round. We already have a list of some options that might work for you, but here is a list of ten ideas for spring artist dates…