A deus ex machina is a literary device that all writers should be aware of. The term comes from the Latin, translating to “God from the machine.” The term comes from ancient Greek theater, where frequently, a crane would literally lower a God or Goddess onto the stage to resolve the conflict of the play. These days, it’s not so literal, but the concept remains the same. When an author utilizes a deus ex machina, it means that they suddenly introduce something that makes the plot easily resolve. This could be a character with all the answers, a sudden introduction of magical ability, a powerful device; anything that resolves a seemingly unsolvable problem.
What’s the problem with using a deus ex machina?
When this plot device is used in storytelling, you will often see people complaining about it. It’s widely regarded as a cheap storytelling device that writers use when they’ve written themselves into a corner and don’t see the solution to their problem. For example, in a Western film, maybe a cowboy has been cornered by outlaws and has no weapons or route to escape. Then, suddenly, a cavalry that they didn’t know was coming appears and saves the day. That’s an example of a deus ex machina, and I’m sure you can see how it may feel unsatisfying.
The real issue with utilizing a deus ex machina is that it breaks the storytelling structure that most modern audiences are accustomed to. In ancient Greece, it was an accepted convention. However, modern audiences, especially in the Western world, look for characters with agency who use their own internal growth to solve their plot problems.
For example, a character in a horror movie suddenly developing magical powers and defeating whatever monster is pursuing them is an example of this. A character internalizing a lesson they’ve learned throughout the course of the story–for example, perhaps they’ve learned that taking risks can be worthwhile and pay off–and then using that knowledge to defeat the bad guys with a risky or dangerous plan is an example of character growth, which is what most audiences are looking for.
Deus ex machina vs plot twists
Some writers get plot twists and deus ex machina confused. A plot twist is described as an unexpected development in a story. There are a few key differences between the two literary devices. One is that plot twists can be foreshadowed; by definition, a deus ex machina always comes out of nowhere. Plot twists can occur throughout the story, whereas a deus ex machina is typically a solution found at the end. Plot twists can also complicate a situation farther, rather than simply solving it. Traditionally, a deus ex machina is considered a plot device, rather than a plot twist.
How can I avoid this in my own writing?
In order to avoid using a deus ex machina and create a satisfying ending, it’s important to make sure you are not writing yourself into a corner. While it’s good to create a situation that seems impossible or has incredibly high stakes, it’s also important that it’s not truly impossible.
Outlining your work before you write can be a great way to make sure you don’t create a situation you can’t get your characters out of. While not all writers enjoy outlining, it can be a useful tool to make sure your plot is workable and you have solutions to all the problems you’re throwing at your characters.
If you get to the point where you don’t see any reasonable solutions to your plot problems, you could try reverse outlining to see where you went wrong and find better ways to challenge your characters.
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