Sally Superville of Screamin’ Demon F/X did the gross, gory, dare we say glorious practical effects for Biters & Bleeders. She is a talented special effects artist and we are so happy to have her on the team. Here, we…

online film club
Nothing is certain but death and taxes. Which means, every tax season, all the filmmakers I know are stressing as they try to round up 1099s and figure out all their deductions for the year. ...
Why community matters in the artsI’ve been writing my whole life, and writing more seriously since I was in my early twenties, but for the longest time I didn’t have a writing community. I had friends ...
Let's start at the beginning: what is a pitch deck for film? A pitch deck is a short, visual presentation that conveys an idea, or a pitch, for a creative project or business venture. Think of a pitch ...
Finding inspiration vs plagiarism“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and ...
Sally Superville of Screamin’ Demon F/X did the gross, gory, dare we say glorious practical effects for Biters & Bleeders. She is a talented special effects artist and we are so happy to have her on the team. Here, we…
Eight tips for filming a cinematic movie on your iPhone Lighting, lighting, lighting. Style. Stop thinking about what a phone can’t do and start maximizing what it can do. Capture movement. Record clean audio… or none at all. Stabilize your…
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