• Writing strong character arcs

    One thing I used to struggle with in my writing was creating strong character arcs. I knew how to create interesting, compelling charactersā€¦ but I didnā€™t know how to make them grow. Over time, I came ...

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    Writing strong character arcs
  • Writing grief in fiction

    Grief is a universal emotion. Everyone experiences grief at some point in their life, and therefore it makes sense that many works of fiction explore the topic of grief. But how does one go about ...

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    Writing grief in fiction
  • How to set boundaries with yourself

    How to set boundaries with yourself Most people have ways in which they want to grow and improve themselves. Maybe you want to save more money, exercise more, or spend less time scrolling your ...

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    How to set boundaries with yourself
  • Should you only write what you know?

    Should you only write what you know? In recent years, there have been many conversations about if writers should only ā€œwrite what they know.ā€ Itā€™s a complicated conversation, full of nuance and ...

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    Should you only write what you know?

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