Artist dates are important year-round. We already have a list of some options that might work for you, but here is a list of ten ideas for spring artist dates so that you can flex your creative muscles and fill your cup in a seasonal way!
Go for a color walk
Spring is a time where lots of color appears in the world after a drab winter. Go for a walk and see how many colors you can spot, from the blue of the sky to the green of the leaves to the rainbow of flowers blooming. If you want to go the extra mile, you can collect some colorful items, just make sure you’re not picking plants from someone’s garden!
Visit a botanical garden
If there’s a botanical garden near you, pay it a visit! Walk around on the grounds and notice the way things are starting to come back to life after a long winter. You can even bring a sketchbook or journal to record the things you see, like young plants sprouting from the earth, or leaves unfurling.
Go for a springtime picnic
Now that it’s starting to get warmer, it’s the perfect time for a springtime picnic. Pack up some of your favorite snacks and go spread out a blanket in a nearby park. You can even bring a camera (or just use your phone) to document all the signs of spring you see around you.
Visit an art museum
Spring is a rainy season, so on a dreary day, visit a local art museum. Even if you’re not knowledgeable about visual art, spend a few hours exploring and learning about the pieces on display. Take notes (and pictures, if they’re allowed) and review them when you’re back home. Maybe they’ll inspire you to create something of your own!
Create a mixed media collage
Look around in your yard or local community and pick some leaves and/or flowers. Next, grab an old magazine or newspaper and start cutting out things that look interesting or remind you of spring. Create a mixed media collage with your findings!
Rewatch a childhood favorite
Here’s another rainy spring artist date. Think back to a movie or TV show you loved as a kid. See if it’s streaming online, and then if it is, dim the lights, light a candle or two, get cozy, and give it a rewatch. Pay attention to what parts really captured your imagination as a child, and notice what’s interesting about it now!
Make a spring meal
Find out what produce is in season in your area, visit your local farmer’s market or grocery store, and challenge yourself to create a salad, soup, or pasta dish using only seasonal produce.
Visit your local library
Visit your local library. If you’re not a member, sign up for a card; it’s free! Then, peruse the shelves to see if there’s anything that catches your eye. If you’re not a big reader, don’t worry, libraries typically have things like audiobooks, movies, magazines, and sometimes even household items or board games. You can also bring your notebook or laptop and spend some time sitting in a new environment, even if you’re not reading.
Attend a cultural event
As things warm up, more and more cultural events start to happen. See if there’s a free concert, a workshop, a festival, a market, an art gallery tour, or some other event going on in your area that you can attend.
Visit a garden center
You don’t have to have a green thumb to make visiting a garden center worthwhile. Walk around and see what’s in season; flowers, bulbs, seeds, and clover. Maybe you’ll buy something, or maybe you’ll just take pictures with your phone; either way is fine!
Make a flower arrangement
If you’ve never made a flower arrangement before, this is a great artist date. Go to your local grocery store (I personally love Trader Joe’s flowers, they have such a good selection) and pick some blooms you love. Then, go home and try your hand at making an arrangement. You can follow a video tutorial or just give it your best shot!
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