What is a self tape?
A self tape is a prerecorded audition that an actor films themselves, typically in their home. Most of the time, the actor will be performing a scene or monologue specified in the audition by the casting director. Although in-person auditions used to be the norm, requiring actors to live in New York or Los Angeles, the vast majority of auditions are now self tapes.
How do I film a self tape?
There’s an art to creating a self tape, and following industry standards will make you more likely to land a callback. Here are some handy guidelines:
- Use a reader. If you are performing a scene with multiple characters, you should arrange to have someone else reading the other lines for you to respond to. They don’t have to be an amazing actor–that’s not who the casting director will be paying attention to–but they should be able to comfortably read aloud to give you something to work off of.
- Set up your space correctly. When you’re filming a self tape, you should make sure you have a neutral background. If you’re going to be filming auditions regularly, you will want to have a blank wall in your home that you can use for this purpose. A neutral color, like white or gray, is preferable. This will make sure that the only thing there is to focus on in the video is your performance!
- Wear a solid color. On the same note, you should make sure to wear a solid, flattering color. Make sure it’s not the same color as your background so that you don’t disappear on screen!
- Eliminate other distractions. Take a moment to make note of the background noises in your home before you begin taping. Is there an open window, allowing noises from traffic into your space? Is your washer or dryer on? Are people or pets making noises? While it’s hard to guarantee perfect silence, it’s important to eliminate as much noise as possible.
- Memorize your lines. It may seem annoying, but you’re going to be far more present and engaged for your audition if you are off book.
- Review the instructions. Make sure you’re crystal clear on your instructions before you begin. This includes things like guidelines for what they’re looking for, deadlines, slating instructions, and other logistical details, but it also includes information you need to make smart acting choices. The scene will likely contain details that hint at who the character is, and those will help you with your character work.
- Record several takes. The best part of self taping is that you can do it multiple times! Even if you feel good about your first take, record a few more and then watch them all back to ensure you’re picking the right one.
Submitting your self tape
Once you’ve completed your self tape and selected your favorite take, it’s time to edit your file. Your only job when you’re editing is to make sure that the beginning and ending of the tape are seamless, and that you’ve added any details that the casting director specifically requested, like a title card. Make sure you’ve exported the file as a .mp4 or .mov unless the casting director gave you different instructions. Also make sure your file isn’t too big to upload; if it is, you’ll need to compress it. Finally, follow the instructions the casting director gave you for submitting your self tape.
Did you know that on Indie Empire we have a monthly self tape club where actors can submit a tape and have it critiqued by established actors? Come join our community of actors and filmmakers!
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